Optimum Health Program
"Health maintenance moving towards peak performance"

Once optimum health is achieved, the goal is to maintain this level of function and work to create a new peak in your performance. Just as a racecar needs more fine tuning than a family minivan, the individual who desires optimum vitality and peak performance needs more than just standard maintenance.

Life is stressful. The solution lies in your ability to adapt to this stress. Regular health tune-ups allow you to optimize your ability to deal with stress, be it mental, physical, chemical, or environmental. Dr. Cleland will work with you to ensure that your mind and body are ready to excel.

Based on your health objectives, this program will use a holistic approach with the following treatment methods:

Neuromuscular treatment
Cranial therapy
Lifestyle counselling
Nutritional counselling
Exercise and training counselling
Meditation & Progressive Relaxation Techniques
Kids (screening schedule)
Educational Workshops / Lecture Series
Custom Orthotics

Services Quick Jump Menu
Chiropractic | Neuromuscular treatment | Cranial therapy | Lifestyle counselling | Nutritional counselling | Exercise and training counselling | Meditation & Progressive | Relaxation Techniques | Kids (screening schedule) | Educational Workshops / Lecture Series | Custom Orthotics